13 May 2024
by Manesh Garg

The UK's Blueprint for a Thriving Quantum Economy

Guest blog from Manesh Garg at VE3 for our Unleash Innovation campaign week 2024.

Advancements in technologies, such as generative AI, quantum computing, Web 3.0, and automation, are reshaping our world. These innovations have propelled the UK to the forefront of global science and technology discourse, particularly through its ambitious technology strategies and National Technology Framework. One specific strategy, the UK Quantum Strategy, aims to catalyze a quantum revolution that could underpin new industries and economic paradigms. As we delve into how the UK can action this strategy to foster a leading quantum economy, it's crucial to understand the significance of aligning this cutting-edge initiative with the broader goals of societal benefit and economic growth. 

The UK's Quantum Strategy: An Overview 

The UK Quantum Strategy outlines a comprehensive plan to harness quantum technologies for economic and societal advancement. It aims to establish the UK as a global leader in quantum science and its applications by focusing on innovation, collaboration, and scalability. The strategy targets key areas such as quantum computing, sensing, imaging, and communications, envisioning a future where these technologies drive transformative changes across industries. By integrating quantum technologies into national infrastructure and enhancing public-private partnerships, the strategy seeks to catalyze breakthroughs that benefit the economy, enhance national security, and improve quality of life. 

Current Landscape of Quantum Technologies in the UK 

The UK is already a hub for quantum research, with numerous universities, startups, and established companies pioneering in this space. Institutions like the Quantum Technology Hubs and the National Quantum Computing Centre stand at the forefront of research and development. These entities collaborate closely with industry leaders such as Google DeepMind and IBM to refine quantum algorithms and hardware. Government initiatives, including substantial funding and supportive policies, further stimulate this vibrant ecosystem. This groundwork not only positions the UK as a significant player in quantum technology but also sets the stage for real-world applications and commercialization. 

Leveraging UK’s Strengths in Emerging Technologies 

The UK boasts robust capabilities in quantum technology, complemented by its strengths in AI, machine learning, and data analytics. These synergies create a powerful ecosystem that can accelerate the development of quantum applications, from improved cryptography to revolutionized data processing. The collaborative efforts between academia and industry facilitate rapid innovation cycles, pushing the boundaries of what quantum technologies can achieve. This strategic approach not only enhances the UK's technological landscape but also positions it as a leader in the global quantum race, ready to capitalize on new market opportunities and drive economic growth. 

Case Studies: Best Practices in Industry and Government Collaboration 

The UK government's commitment to fostering collaboration is evident in its support for various quantum technology hubs. One notable partnership involves the Quantum Communications Hub, which collaborates with various UK universities such as Birmingham, Glasgow, Oxford, and York, along with academic partners like Bristol, Cambridge, Heriot Watt, Kent, Queen’s Belfast, Sheffield, Strathclyde, and their lead partner, York University. They also collaborate with industrial partners like BT, ID Quantique, Teledyne e2v, and public sector stakeholders such as RAL Space and the National Physical Laboratory.

Another example is the collaboration between the University of Oxford and several tech companies to advance quantum computing. These partnerships help translate academic research into viable products and services, enhancing the UK's competitive edge in quantum technology. By focusing on cooperative strategies, these initiatives accelerate the path from innovation to market readiness.

Building on a strong foundation: strategies to propel the UK's Quantum economy

The UK has already established itself as a leader in the burgeoning field of quantum technologies. To further solidify this position and accelerate the development of a thriving quantum economy, several key strategies can be implemented.

Scaling Up Investment:

  • In addition to the existing £2.5 billion National Quantum Strategy, announced in 2024, targeted funding initiatives can be introduced. These include:
  • Quantum Research Tax Credits: Offering tax incentives to companies and investors engaged in quantum research and development, encouraging greater private investment.
  • Quantum Venture Capital Funds: Establishing dedicated venture capital funds focused on supporting quantum startups, providing crucial early-stage funding and mentorship.
  • Innovation Grants: Introducing competitive grants specifically for quantum technology projects, fostering innovation and commercialization.

Enhancing Collaboration:

  • Building on the UK's strong network of universities, industry leaders, and government bodies, initiatives can include:
  • Joint Research Consortia: Facilitating collaborative research projects between academia and industry, leveraging expertise and resources for accelerated progress.
  • Knowledge Exchange Platforms: Creating online platforms and forums for sharing research findings, best practices, and technological advancements within the quantum community.

Upskilling the Workforce:

Expanding existing education and training programs can be complemented by:

  • Apprenticeship Programs: Offering apprenticeships in quantum-related fields, providing hands-on experience and pathways to employment in the quantum sector.
  • Continued Professional Development: Supporting ongoing training and certification programs to ensure professionals stay updated with the latest advancements in quantum technologies.

Leading in Responsible Development:

  • The UK can maintain its commitment to responsible development by implementing:
  • Regulatory Sandboxes: Creating controlled environments for testing and validating quantum applications, ensuring compliance with ethical and safety standards.
  • International Collaboration: Engaging in global discussions and partnerships to establish harmonized regulatory frameworks for quantum technologies, promoting trust and interoperability on a global scale.


The UK's strategic efforts to develop a quantum economy promise transformative benefits across technology, economy, and society. By aligning cutting-edge quantum research with robust commercial strategies and collaborative frameworks, the UK is poised to lead a global quantum revolution. This initiative not only underscores the UK's commitment to innovation but also highlights the potential of quantum technologies to drive significant advancements in various sectors, thereby enhancing national competitiveness and quality of life. 

Call to Action 

To realize the full potential of the UK's Quantum Strategy, engagement from all sectors—academia, industry, government, and the public—is crucial. Stakeholders are encouraged to support research initiatives, participate in policy formulation, and invest in quantum technology education and infrastructure. By contributing to this burgeoning field, we can collectively ensure the UK remains at the forefront of the quantum technology revolution, fostering innovation and economic growth that will benefit future generations. Get in touch with us at VE3 to formulate and level up your quantum strategy.

View all campaign week content 

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techUK – Unleashing UK Tech and Innovation 


The UK is home to emerging technologies that have the power to revolutionise entire industries. From quantum to semiconductors; from gaming to the New Space Economy, they all have the unique opportunity to help prepare for what comes next.

techUK members lead the development of these technologies. Together we are working with Government and other stakeholders to address tech innovation priorities and build an innovation ecosystem that will benefit people, society, economy and the planet - and unleash the UK as a global leader in tech and innovation.

For more information, or to get in touch, please visit our Innovation Hub and click ‘contact us’. 

Tech and Innovation Summit, 6 Nov (rescheduled date)

Emerging technologies will be debated and explored at our annual Tech and Innovation Summit, taking place on  6 November. This campaign week will directly feed into the themes discussed at the Summit. 

techUK’s flagship Tech and Innovation Summit returns to traverse the extraordinary and ground-breaking discoveries made possible by the application of emerging and transformative technologies. 

Secure your ticket now.

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Sprint Campaigns

New Space

This campaign explored how the UK can lead on the development, application and commercialisation of space technologies and ultimately realise the benefits of the New Space Economy.

These technologies include AI, quantum, lasers, robotics & automation, advanced propulsion and materials, and semiconductors.

Activity has taken the form of roundtables, panel discussions, networking sessions, Summits, thought leadership pieces, policy recommendations, and a report.

Get in touch below to find out more about techUK's ongoing work in this area.

Event round-ups



Get in touch

Rory Daniels

Rory Daniels

Programme Manager, Emerging Technologies

Gaming & Esports

This campaign has explored how the UK can lead on the development, application and commercialisation of the technologies set to underpin the Gaming & Esports sector of the future.

These include AI, augmented / virtual / mixed / extended reality, haptics, cloud & edge computing, semiconductors, and advanced connectivity (5/6G).

Activity has taken the form of roundtables, panel discussions, networking sessions, Summits, and thought leadership pieces. A report featuring member case studies and policy recommendations is currently being produced (to be launched in September 2024).

Get in touch below to find out more about contributing to or collaborating on this campaign.

Event round-ups


Get in touch

Rory Daniels

Rory Daniels

Programme Manager, Emerging Technologies

Web3 & Immersive technologies

Running from July to December 2024, this campaign will explore how the UK can lead on the development, application and commercialisation of web3 and immersive technologies.

These include blockchain, smart contracts, digital assets, augmented / virtual / mixed / extended reality, spatial computing, haptics and holograms.

Activity will take the form of roundtables, workshops, panel discussions, networking sessions, tech demos, Summits, thought leadership pieces, policy recommendations, and reports.

Get in touch below to find out more about contributing to or collaborating on this campaign.

Upcoming events

Get in touch

Rory Daniels

Rory Daniels

Programme Manager, Emerging Technologies

Campaign Weeks

Our annual Campaign Weeks enable techUK members to explore how the UK can lead on the development and application of emerging and transformative technologies.

Members do this by contributing blogs or vlogs, speaking at events, and highlighting examples of best practice within the UK's tech sector.


Tech and Innovation Summit 2023

View the recordings


Tech and Innovation Summit 2024

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Laura Foster

Laura Foster

Head of Technology and Innovation, techUK

Rory Daniels

Rory Daniels

Programme Manager, Emerging Technologies

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Manesh Garg

Manesh Garg

Investor & Director, VE3