There is a limit to how efficient you can make any one police officer
Short of giving them additional arms and brain matter
So how can we use technology to enable the public to help the police?
How can we truly bring power of the people to our Criminal Justice System and enable more crimes to be investigated and successfully prosecuted?
The answer…
We have to allow the general public, victims, their friends, relatives and witnesses to do a large part of the job of the professional.
By giving them the transformative technology which truly enables them to help the police to help them.
Let’s look to other industries where a lay person collects and supplies data which allows the professionals to do their job
In manufacturing machines now make things and humans stand their monitoring and checking the quality.
In industry, it started with the accounting software like Xero. Software that allows business owners to maintain their own financial accounts, before they then send the data to their accountant for auditing.
In the medical world we now have apps like Babylon which allow patients to collect and submit valuable data which can then be reviewed by a medical professional for a diagnosis.
In the Justice system, we believe that it will start with an app which allows anyone to capture and submit admissible forensic evidence which the police can then use to quickly prosecute those responsible.
By leveraging technology and giving power to the people we can better protect the vulnerable and build and safer society
With this type of technology, the police should be able to successfully prosecute more crimes, using less resources; who would have thought that was possible?
With prosecution rates at c. 8% can we as a society really afford not to embrace such technology?