26 Mar 2025

UK Government launches consultation on digital and technology standards in schools

Department for Education seeks views on proposals to ensure all schools meet core digital infrastructure standards by 2030.

The Government has launched a consultation on new proposals to tackle digital inequality across England’s education system by setting out a long-term ambition for all schools and colleges to meet six core digital and technology standards by 2030.

This forms part of a wider national effort to narrow the digital divide and ensure that every learner, regardless of background, has access to the secure and reliable digital infrastructure needed to thrive in modern classrooms.

The consultation has been launched alongside a £45 million investment to boost school connectivity, including £25 million for wireless network upgrades this year. These measures aim to improve access to the digital foundations that support high-quality teaching, reduce workload, and enable inclusive learning, particularly in schools that need it most.

The proposals

The DfE’s long-term ambition is for all schools and colleges to meet the following six core digital and technology standards by 2030:

  • Broadband internet
  • Wireless networks
  • Network switches
  • Digital leadership and governance
  • Filtering and monitoring
  • Cyber security

These standards form part of the DfE's broader suite of eleven digital and technology standards first published in 2022. While awareness is growing (72% of school IT leads are familiar with the standards) only 16% of schools currently report meeting them in full, according to the latest Technology in Schools Survey.

The consultation invites views from schools, colleges, trusts, suppliers, and other sector stakeholders on:

The sector’s readiness to meet these standards
The barriers to implementation
The support needed to achieve progress

In addition, the Department is seeking examples of best practice and insight into current evidence gaps to help inform future policy development.

techUK’s position

techUK welcomes this consultation as a timely and necessary intervention to reduce digital inequality in education. Foundational infrastructure such as broadband, cyber security and wireless access, is essential to unlocking the benefits of EdTech, AI, and digital skills development for all learners.

We are pleased to see the DfE working closely with DSIT, with this consultation building on the government’s broader Digital Inclusion Action Plan (see techUK’s coverage). Together, these efforts signal a coordinated push to close digital divides and ensure no school is left behind.

We encourage members, particularly those delivering infrastructure, services, and support to schools, to contribute their expertise and help shape the next phase of digital transformation in education.

Get involved

The consultation is open until Friday 23 May 2025 and is relevant to:

  • School and college leaders, IT staff and governors
  • Local authorities, academy trusts, diocesan bodies
  • Suppliers and service providers supporting schools and colleges

techUK will be submitting a response on behalf of members. To help shape our submission, please join our Member Roundtable (here), taking place on the Microsoft Teams platform on 10 April 2025. If you are unable to attend and would still like to contribute, please contact Austin Earl at [email protected].

We also encourage members to submit individual responses to the consultation. You can access the consultation documents and submit your response via the gov.uk website.


Austin Earl

Austin Earl

Programme Manager, Education and EdTech, techUK

Austin leads techUK’s Education and EdTech programme, shaping strategies that support the digital transformation of schools, colleges, and universities. His work focuses on strengthening the UK’s education technology ecosystem, enhancing core technology foundations, and advancing the adoption of emerging technologies to improve educational outcomes.

Austin also chairs the EdTech Advisory Panel for AI in Education, contributing to national discussions on the future of EdTech, AI, and the UK's Education system.