04 Apr 2022

UK SPF Event round-up : Future spectrum demand for rail

Last week, the UK Spectrum Policy Forum held its firs Cluster meeting of 2022. The workshop explored and dicussed the latest developments for operational and passenger communications across rail. 

The event took place on 29 March online and under Chatham House rule. The session was chaired and moderated by Saul Friedner, Chair of Cluster 1 and LS Telcom. 

Please find all the available slides below. 


‘Delivering Future Rail Connectivity’ Cellnex

‘Rail Corridor Connectivity: Addressing the need’ Department for Transport

A view from Network Rail Telecom 

No slides available

‘Standardisation of 5G NR for FRMCS’ Nokia

‘Technologies, spectrum and capacities for passenger connectivity’ Real Wireless



Sophie Greaves

Sophie Greaves

Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy, techUK

Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK