01 Aug 2024

UK SPF Invitation to Tender: AI for spectrum management

The Forum's open calls for commissioned research are a fantastic opportunity to work with us and explore potential frameworks that advance spectrum policy debates. The UK SPF focused this year's second commissioning call on exploring potential use cases of AI techniques for spectrum management in th UK environment. 

Artificial Intelligence for Spectrum Management

The use of AI has potential to further improve aspects like frequency coordination and propagation estimation, leading to more efficient spectrum use. However, deeper studies are needed on AI adoption by regulatory agencies, weighing potential efficiency gains against costs and risks.

The project aims to focus specifically on how AI/ML can advance spectrum management in the UK environment without rehashing general AI benefits. 

Key dates

  • ITT issued: 01 August 2024 
  • Deadline for clarification of questions: 22 August 2024
  • Deadline to submit your tender: 04 September 2024

Additional information 

The project aims to understand the impacts of AI on existing licensing processes and anticipates its broader adoption in future 6G networks, which could have significant regulatory and policy implications. The study will analyze various technologies and processes necessary for deploying AI in spectrum management. This analysis will consider the costs to stakeholders, the model for risk allocation, and the responsibilities that come with implementing AI technology in licensing and spectrum management.

Collaboration is a crucial aspect of the study, especially concerning the commercial viability and data considerations of launching AI-based spectrum management solutions. The project will assess the business case for these solutions, taking into account the costs of ensuring resilience and security. Consultants are expected to compare international trials and objectives with the UK's unique capabilities, providing insights into the UK's regulatory landscape and the potential returns from efficient, interference-free spectrum usage. The study aims to determine the specific AI algorithms suitable for the UK context and the societal benefits they could bring.

The research project seeks to address several key questions, including identifying relevant AI implementations for spectrum management over the next 5-10 years, evaluating the associated benefits and justifications for adoption, and determining the necessary data and steps for practical implementation. It will also explore the regulatory and policy implications of AI in spectrum management, the commercial viability of such systems, and the costs and timescales for implementation. Additionally, the project will assess the trade-offs between efficiency gains for Ofcom and the industry costs of developing and deploying these AI technologies, as well as the potential for collaboration fostered through AI adoption in spectrum management.

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Contact us

Reach out to the team beow for questions or comments about the study. 

Sophie Greaves

Sophie Greaves

Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy, techUK

Sophie Greaves is Head of Programme for Communications Infrastructure and Services at techUK, and oversees the UK Spectrum Policy Forum.

Sophie was promoted to Head having been Programme Manager for Communications Infrastructure and Services, leading techUK's telecoms activities, engagement and policy development. Previously, Sophie was Programme Assistant across a variety of areas including the Broadband Stakeholder Group, Central Government, Financial Services and Communications Infrastructure programmes.

Prior to joining techUK, Sophie completed a masters in Film Studies at University College London; her dissertation examined US telecoms policy relating to net neutrality and content distribution.

[email protected]
020 7331 2038

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Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK

Tales has a background in law and economics, with previous experience in the regulation of new technologies and infrastructure.

In the UK and Europe, he offered consultancy on intellectual property rights of cellular and IoT technologies and on the regulatory procedures at the ITU as a Global Fellow at the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI).

Tales has an LL.M in Law and Business by the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and an MSc in Regulation at the London School of Economics, with a specialization in Government and Law.

[email protected]
+44 (0) 0207 331 2000

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Matthew Wild

Matthew Wild

Programme Assistant - Markets, techUK

Matthew joined techUK in August 2023 as a Programme Assistant.

[email protected]
020 7331 2000

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