18 May 2023

UK SPF May Plenary Meeting Round-up

On Thursday 04 May  the UK Spectrum Policy Forum held its Q2 Plenary Meeting.  The meeting klicked off with a keynote presentation from Raj Sivalingam, Head of Spectrum Policy at the UK’s Department for Science, Innovation & Technology, who provided an overview of the recently-published Spectrum Statement. 

It was followed by a discussion, focused on Spectrum needs for critical communications.  Noel Kirkaldy, Business Development Transport, Energy and Public Sector, Nokia, offered a vendor's perspective and highlighted the importance of the ecosystem. 

Cate Walton, Chief Engineer and Technical Lead ESMCP at  UK Home Office, provided an ESN uopdate and offered new insights into some spectrum and future competition aspects. 

Finally, we heard from Peter Couch, CEO, Joint Radio Company (JRC) who talked about spectrum demand from the energy sector and how this might be met in the UK. 


Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK

Sophie Greaves

Sophie Greaves

Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy, techUK