02 Aug 2022

UK SPF Plenary round-up July 2022

Last week, we held the UK Spectrum Policy Forum July Plenary Meeting

The event featured a presentation by the Brazilian telecoms regulator Anatel, as well as two separate updates from EU's spectrum advisory body RSPG. 

The Plenary took place on 28 July at our London office and online and it was conducted under Chatham House rule. The session was chaired and moderated by David Meyer, UK SPF Chair. 

Please find the presentations below:

Keynote presentation: Anatel

The keynote speech was delivered by Carlos Baigorri, President of Anatel. He gave an overview of recent spectrum developments and policies in Brazil, including its recent multi-band 5G auction and its decision to allocate the entire 6 GHz band for unlincensed use. 

No slides available. 

RSPG 6G update 

Bo Andersson, Rapporteur for 5G and Beyond, RSPG,  noted that RSPG has two work items on this area: a) Mobile Technology evolution which looks into 2G/3G migration plans and legacy technologies and b) 5G and Beyond and 6G. 

No slides available. 

RSPG WRC-23 update 

Alexander Kuhn, Co-Chair of the RSPG Subgroup on WRC, briefed attendees on the recently-published RSPG Interim Opinion on WRC-23


Sophie Greaves

Sophie Greaves

Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy, techUK

Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK