Walk in the cloud: Accenture, Microsoft and SSE: A greener future
What happens when the world’s largest software company, a multinational energy company and Accenture get together to tackle decarbonisation? They try to save the world. Microsoft’s Matt Highman and SSE’s John Downes explain why their organisations see partnerships as essential to achieving the most audacious goals of their businesses.
Accenture UK’s Walk in the Cloud podcast is back with a second season exploring the value of cloud-powered partnerships.
The podcast’s first season took a deep dive with Accenture experts into different C-level roles and their relationships with cloud technologies. Accenture host Ellen Bencard kicks off the new season in conversation with Microsoft’s Matt Higham and SSE’s John Downes, who explain why their organisations see partnerships as essential to achieving the most audacious goals of their businesses. Matt and John talk decarbonisation and what they’re doing to move towards net-zero by 2050.
Listen to Walk in the Cloud’s first episode now and look out early next month for episode two, which explores the rise of the cloud economist with AWS.

Laura Foster
Laura is techUK’s Associate Director for Technology and Innovation.