Zaizi & Envitia White Paper: Realising the benefits of Gov.UK One Login
In this guest insight from Zaizi and Envitia, they will outline how they think challenges in implementing One Login could be overcome.


ID verification is becoming an important element when accessing government services securely.
That's why the government is urging all public-facing services that require identification to use its universal login system GOV.UK One Login. It's a consistent way for users to prove their identity to various government services.
The number of services adopting One Login has jumped this year — around 40+ departmental services now — in line with the government's goal of having over 100 public services use the service by 2025.
Part of the broader "Transforming for a Digital Future: 2022 to 2025 Roadmap for Digital and Data" strategy, the purpose of encouraging departments to move to One Login is to enhance user experience, bolster security, and reduce administrative overhead and duplication of similar services across government agencies (it replaces a patchwork of other government ID-verifying systems, such as Government Gateway and Verify.)
The promised benefits of implementing One Login are clear. But realising those benefits requires navigating some complex challenges.
Our recent white paper explores some of those challenges and the strategies departments can take to overcome them.
Challenges of implementing Gov.UK One Login
Depending on whether One Login is adopted on a new service or retrofitted onto an existing one, there are various challenges government departments face.
These include integration delays, lack of expertise to incorporate the system, and the long-standing problem around standardised governance.
Other factors to consider are integration and interoperability issues that require additional work for One Login to function smoothly with existing infrastructures, especially legacy systems.
Meanwhile, incorporating One Login brings extra security factors to consider and manage — consolidating identities exposes more services to potential breaches.
Our white paper highlights several of these challenges that any large-scale digital identity project must address.
How do you mitigate the challenges?
Though some of these hurdles can make One Login implementation seem daunting, they are also an opportunity to modernise systems.
Our white paper suggests taking a phased approach to integration and piloting on a smaller scale before full deployment. At the same time, a focus on building reusable patterns makes future integrations across other services easier.
A “secure by design” approach helps implement robust security measures, such as multi-factor authentication, strong encryption and continuous monitoring for vulnerabilities.
The white paper gives organisations implementing One Login a quick 10-step process to navigate these challenges.
The One Login project is expected to cost £305 million but projected to deliver £1.75 billion in benefits. This significant return on investment highlights the potential efficiency and cost savings associated with the system.
Zaizi designs, builds, and sustains user-centred and secure digital services for government organisations.
Envitia empowers organisations to harness the full potential of data.
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