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Scale-Up Hub

Scaling companies are a key engine of growth for the UK economy. techUK works with our scale-up members to help inform and shape how the Government approaches policy and regulation to unlock barriers to growth and build an economy that continues to lead on business productivity, investment and innovation.

Getting Policy Right for Scaling Businesses

techUK represent our industry on tech policy and regulatory changes in the UK. Our focus is on seizing the innovation and investment opportunity of scaling firms.

We convene our members and lead conversations with government and regulatory stakeholders to ensure the voice of our scale-ups are heard. As the Government seeks to create an environment to better support the UK’s most promising and fastest growing firms, techUK wants to see barriers to growth unlocked. Do this by building a coherent landscape and package that supports scale-ups to access: international and vertical markets, capital and finance, the right skills and infrastructure. 


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Latest Scale-Up news


Autumn Budget 2024: what was in it for tech and science scale-ups?


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Get involved

All techUK's work is led by our members - keep in touch or get involved by joining one of the groups below

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Public Policy Group

This Group is a forum for senior professionals in public policy, public affairs, and government relations, shaping the tech sector's policy landscape. It fosters discussions on political matters, identifies emerging issues, and works to establish industry consensus on policy developments.

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Data Protection Group

The Data Protection Group, a cross-industry collaboration in the UK, aims to foster a robust data compliance environment for consumer trust across markets. It unites professionals and individuals passionate about influencing or understanding data protection in the tech industry.

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Digital Regulation Working Group

Join the Digital Regulation Group (DRG) and work with members, regulators and policymakers to tackle some of the most pressing regulatory challenges that cut across AI, privacy, online safety and technologies of the future.

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Innovation Policy Group

techUK’s Innovation Policy Group brings together members with expertise in the development and deployment of new technologies, with public policy professionals and key stakeholders. Its aim is to identify and develop coherent and relevant innovation policy asks that ensures the UK remains a competitive leader in tech innovation, R&D and the commercialisation of future technologies that are set to have transformative effects across the UK’s economy and society.

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Open Data Working Group

The Open Data Working Group is a cross-industry techUK group working together on broad themes around smart and open data in the UK. This working group will examine how, building on the principles of open banking, we might extend the ability for innovators to access data and shape it into services, while crucially protecting ethics and consumer privacy.

Sign up for weekly tech policy updates

Every week, techUK rounds up the latest news and views from across the world of technology policy and spotlights events and engagement opportunities through its policy updates. You can sign up for the Policy Pulse newsletter as well as other important updates by clicking the link below!

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Become a techUK member

Our members develop strong networks, build meaningful partnerships and grow their businesses as we all work together to create a thriving environment where industry, government and stakeholders come together to realise the positive outcomes tech can deliver.

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For more information please contact: 

Samiah Anderson

Samiah Anderson

Head of Digital Regulation, techUK

Mia Haffety

Mia Haffety

Policy Manager - Digital Economy, techUK