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Open Letter to political parties: Recommit to moving forward with Digital Verification in the UK

techUK alongside industry leaders, call for action to support Digital Verification in the UK

How the next Government can help the UK tech sector thrive internationally

What the manifestos mean for the UK tech sector on the world stage

Crops to Code: The role of data in fostering sustainable agricultural trade and responsible supply chains | Report with WWF

Access our report on the impact of data in driving sustainable agricultural trade and responsible supply chains. 

UK Data Centres Digital Economy Report 2024

techUK is seeking to commission the research and a report into the contribution data centres play to the UK’s economy 2024.

Party Manifestos: Breakdown of sustainability-related commitments

Earlier this month, we saw the publication of all party manifestos ahead of the upcoming general election. But what did Labour, Conservatives and Liberal Democrats commit to in terms of sustainability?

Opportunity: Meet the Buyer in Malaysia

Join Santander for a virtual Meet the Buyer event, where you’ll get personalised insight into growth opportunities for your business in Malaysia

What to expect from techUK’s Scale-Up Council in 2024

Following a competitive set of elections, I am delighted to announce that techUK’s Scale-Up Council has now elected a new Chair and two Vice-Chair. Mireille Elhajj will lead the Council as Chair. The Vice-Chair position will be filled by Hollie Hodgson.

Where should the next UK Government take AI regulation?

The article discusses the challenges and opportunities for the UK government to regulate AI in the private sector, and suggests some possible steps to achieve a competitive and ethical framework.

Tech Nation's 2024 report gives AI the spotlight, exploring 'UK Tech in the Age of AI'

Last week, Tech Nation released their 2024 report, offering a detailed analysis of the UK tech landscape with a special emphasis on AI and recent developments within the sector. This comprehensive report also explores investment trends, startup growth, and AI's portrayal in the media.

techUK leads its second delegation of members to Washington D.C.

In June techUK led a delegation of eight members to Washington D.C., engaging with key U.S. government departments and agencies, Congress staffers, as well as industry representatives and sister trade organisations.

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