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Call for Contributions: Distributed Cloud and Edge Computing

techUK is inviting members to submit case studies for a paper highlighting the potential of distributed cloud and edge computing

Drumming up talent for future telecoms

Guest blog by Clare McKee from UKTIN and WMG as part of our Future Telecoms campaign.

UK government announces re-start of trade negotiations and launch of trade strategy

On 29 July, the UK government has announced it is pressing ahead with trade negotiations with a number of key partners, including notably India and the Gulf Cooperation Council.

New Agreement on Electronic Commerce finalised at the WTO

The Joint Statement Initiative Co-Convenors have announced the end of the negotiations on the “Agreement on Electronic Commerce”

techUK launches major study on the future of Digital Twin technology

The study will examine the global landscape, emerging business models and economic impact of the technology.

The first King's Speech of the new Government sets economic growth as its most pressing priority

Around 40 new laws planned techUK members will be paying close attention to Bills on data, cybersecurity, planning, infrastructure, investment, skills, product safety and workers rights.

techUK analysis: The King’s Speech sets out new Government's plans for energy, transport, water and planning

The King's speech highlights priority areas for Smart Infrastructure and Systems Programme. The announcements encompass significant energy, rail, water, and planning policy proposals.

Webinar recap - Women in Scale-Ups

techUK hosted a webinar with leading women in scale-ups to discuss actionable recommendations for the next government, along with how industry is already leading the way to embed diversity across their organisations. 

The velocity of risk: Tech risk management challenges accelerate

Guest blog from Tom Quigley and Carrick Lambert at Marsh.

The Pulse of Fintech: London’s Take on International Payments

Shoosmiths’ FinTech partner, Luke Stubbs, was a speaker at the recent FinTech Week London Conference, participating in a panel discussion focused on international payments.

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Building the Smarter State 2024 | 10 September

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Building the Smarter State is techUK’s flagship public services conference and the go-to conference for public sector digital leaders.

2024 will mark the tenth anniversary of this hugely influential conference, where we will focus on the most pressing and important topics for public sector digital transformation.