09:00 – 09:30: Welcome and Networking
10:00 – 10:45: Opening Discussion: School and Trust Operational Management in the UK
This session will bring together system leaders, school and trust leaders, and school business professionals to examine the current state of operational management in UK education. Key areas of focus will include:
- Current Operational Landscape: Overview of how schools and trusts manage their operations, including an emphasis the scope of activity within the system and on the variation of maturity and practice between institutions.
- Automation Opportunities and Challenges: Discussion on what these operational differences mean for those seeking to support automation and the identification of key barriers to adopting AI and automation, such as skills gaps and funding limitations.
- System-Level Implications: Consideration of the broader impact on the education system if these challenges persist and an assessment of strategies to overcome barriers and enhance automation adoption.
10:45 – 11:15: Refreshments and Networking
11:15 – 12:15: Industry Best Practice: Implementation of AI Hyper-automation
Having heard from experts in the education sector about the challenges and opportunities for innovation, we'll now turn to industry leaders in AI Hyper-automation who have successfully implemented transformative solutions across various sectors, including education. These case studies will provide valuable insights into the key considerations for identifying areas where immediate impact and efficiencies can be achieved, helping our education and system leaders better navigate the discovery and implementation process.
12:15 – 13:00: Lunch and Networking
13:00 – 15:30: Discovery Sessions: Addressing the Opportunities for Immediate Impact
For the afternoon, we’ll bring together school and trust leaders, established tech providers, and leading AI automation experts to collaboratively explore the practicalities of integrating AI across key areas of school management. These scoping discussions will map out areas for immediate impact and identify strategies for unlocking the full potential of AI in education management.
1. Stakeholder Engagement and Support
- AI-Powered Triage and Communication: Automated parent, staff, governor/trustee, and student enquiries. Chatbots and virtual assistants for stakeholder engagement.
- Proactive Student Support and Interventions: Early identification of at-risk students. AI-driven early intervention programmes.
2. Operational Efficiency and Process Automation
- Administrative Process Automation: Automation in information management, document processing, and administrative workflows.
- Asset and Financial Management: AI-driven financial planning, budgeting, and asset management.
- Compliance and Reporting Automation: AI in auditing, regulatory compliance, and timely reporting.
3. System Integration and Data-Driven Decision Making
- Integrated School Management Systems: Seamless integration of AI tools with existing school management systems. Centralised dashboards for real-time data insights.
- Data Analytics and Predictive Insights: Using AI to analyse data for informed decision-making. Predictive analytics for future planning and interventions.
- Smart Timetabling and Resource Allocation: AI-enhanced timetabling for optimal resource us. Integration with EHCPs and special educational needs.