Artificial intelligence (AI) will be a key tool in enabling and managing the transition to Net Zero. With increased monitoring of controllable technologies, AI will be able to optimise the deployment of smart technologies, facilitate new products and services, and help to plan and operate the networks. Barriers to entry are being lowered and the technology is more readily available to an increasing array of practitioners, accelerating its adoption into the energy system and creating new opportunities for decarbonisation and energy efficiency.

However, with automation and AI comes new risks to consumers and the energy system. A new report from Energy Systems Catapult and Urban Frontiers explores some of the potential risks and impacts on energy networks and outlines the scale of the challenge in designing and delivering an AI-enabled future energy sector, as we move towards a more decentralised and automated energy network. The challenges identified report represent an opportunity for the sector to take a proactive and collaborative approach to AI risk management, creating a regulatory market that nurtures the innovations that will support rapid decarbonisation, efficiency improvements and new market entrants.

The investigations drew from extensive stakeholder interviews and set out recommendations across three core focus areas for future work. In this roundtable workshop we will explore these proposals for future work, validate and prioritise to set out next steps for industry and policymakers;

  • Recommendation 1: Initiate a cross-sector AI special interest group
  • Recommendation 2: Develop a sandbox testing environment
  • Recommendation 3: Create best practice AI risk guidance

Read the full “AI risks for energy networks: challenges, management and regulation” report here


  • Welcome and introduction - Tedora Kaneva, techUK (Chair)
  • Keynote: Speaker TBC
  • Keynote: Overview of AI Preparedness in the Energy Sector (recent industry report) - David Altabev, Urban Frontiers
  • Roundtable workshops:
    • CULTURE & SKILLS: Initiate a cross-sector AI special interest group
    • SYSTEMS MODELLING: Develop a sandbox testing environment
    • REGULATION & GOVERNANCE: Create best practice AI risk guidance
  • Discussion on next steps for collaboration, policy development and industry/government engagement
  • Networking drinks

For more information contact: 

Teodora Kaneva

Teodora Kaneva

Head of Smart Infrastructure and Systems, techUK

Lucas Banach

Lucas Banach

Programme Assistant, Data Centres, Climate, Environment and Sustainability, Market Access, techUK

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