With a population exceeding 279 million, a youthful median age of 29 and a staggering 175 million internet users, Indonesia has experienced rapid digital transformation. Yet many UK tech firms are unaware of the significant opportunities that Indonesia offers or how to successfully expand there.  

Positioning itself as one of the fastest-growing markets for public cloud services in Southeast Asia, Indonesia hosts over a thousand startups and is poised to lead the Asia-Pacific region in overall IT spending. Projections from the Ministry of Finance suggest Indonesia's economy could soar to $2.8 trillion by 2040 through technological adoption. McKinsey & Co identifies four technology-based growth drivers expected to fuel this expansion: clean tech, the future of connectivity with 5G and IoT integration, distributed infrastructure such as cloud and edge computing, and next-level process automation. 

Join us on July 2nd, 2024, from 9:30 AM to 11:15 AM BST, at 30 Great Peter Street, SW1P 2BU. As part of techUK's APAC Working Group we are excited to share insight, tips and tricks for UK tech businesses looking at exporting, expanding and growing their business in Indonesia. Organised in partnership with techUK, Acclime and the Indonesian embassy, this event serves as a gateway to understanding Indonesia's tech ecosystem and tapping into its burgeoning digital economy. Whether you're a seasoned industry player or a budding entrepreneur, UK Tech in Indonesia promises to provide valuable insights, facilitate networking, and give you a blueprint for launching into Indonesia. 

Agenda for the event:  

  1. Welcome by Ambassador - Dr. Desra Percaya, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the UK, Ireland, and the IMO.  

  1. Overview of Indonesia Tech Ecosystem & Opportunities for UK businesses – Presented by Siti Tiefryani Fahlyah  

  1. Developing a successful GTM Strategy – Presented by Matthew Borthwick  

  1. Setting Up a Local Presence – Presented by Debby Davidson  

  1. Considerations when Expanding to Indonesia: A Legal Perspective – Presented by Sarah Lau  

Join us on the 2nd of July 2024, from 9:30 am to 11:15am BST  
Location: 30 Great Peter Street, SW1P 2BU