In today’s fast-paced digital world, every interaction is a chance to make a lasting impression. Whether it’s a brief chat with a colleague or a formal meeting with a client; each conversation is an opportunity to connect on a deeper, more human level. 

Arcadia’s Presenting in the Age of AI event offers a unique opportunity to transform your communication skills.

Expect to unlock the secrets of captivating your audience and delivering compelling presentations, through interactive discussions and live demonstrations. Step into the future of presenting, where digital technology blends seamlessly to augment traditional presentation planning and rehearsal approaches to help you deliver impactful, relevant and persuasive presentations that inspire action. 

Featured Speakers:

Len Patane

Len Patane

Principal Consultant, Arcadia Consulting

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Robert Rosales

Robert Rosales

Principal Consultant, Arcadia Consulting

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Don’t miss this chance to revolutionise your presentation skills with powerful AI tools.