This is a briefing and input event for members only.

Ofgem is seeking views on delivering common Flexibility Market Asset Registration as the first step in achieving the overall Flexibility Digital Infrastructure vision.


The Flexibility Digital Infrastructure (FDI) policy aims to maximise the participation of distributed assets in flexibility markets, by addressing market barriers through coordinated digital infrastructure across markets.

Identified market failures:

  1. Lack of transparent information
  2. Lack of coordinated access and operations
  3. Lack of trusted governance

Ofgem has identified a range of potential FDI outcomes and their underpinning enablers that stakeholders want. Flexibility Market Asset Registration and underpinning enablers have been singled out as a priority first step for policy intervention.

In the call for input, the proposal is for the Flexibility Digital Infrastructure (FDI) to facilitate information provision, coordination of market access and operations, and trusted governance.


FDI intervention should focus on the delivery of common registration of assets (Flexibility Market Asset Registration).

Flexibility Market Asset Registration will require delivery of underpinning enablers and digital infrastructure.

  • Underpinning enablers.
    • alignment of ESO and DSO processes – Market Facilitator.
  • Digital infrastructure – for collection/storage/access of asset data.
    • design work by Working Groups led by Market Facilitator.
    • delivery by Delivery Body selected by Ofgem.
  • Aligned with the DSI and Consumer Consent framework.
    • longer-term alignment with general Asset Visibility policy
  • Digital infrastructure should be deployed between 2025 – 2028.

The digital infrastructure should focus initially on ESO markets (all ancillary and balancing services, including the Balancing Mechanism) and DSO markets (the five standard flexibility products).

The deadline for consultation responses is 23rd September 2024. The full consultation document can be found here. 

This session will inform a techUK submission to this consultation. 



Teodora Kaneva

Teodora Kaneva

Head of Smart Infrastructure and Systems, techUK