

The UK tech sector is just beginning to quantify their impact on the environment, now responsible for more emissions per year than commercial aviation. The hyperscalers are offering seemingly limitless storage with their cloud hosting offerings, effectively encouraging organisations to ‘lift and shift’/migrate entire system workloads to the cloud. Once there, it is rarely used or its purpose questioned.

Carbon vs Cost: Can you 'retrofit' digital services for Sustainability?

Our four experts will dig deep into:

  • Measurement - how the software carbon intensity calculation from GSF became an ISO standard, how to use it

  • Measuring and optimising the software we build - should we use cost and performance as proxy metrics?

  • Why only using carbon metrics is dangerous, and hides other damaging planetary impacts

  • What you can do as a member of the technology industry - designing and measuring net positive interventions



Naveen Balani

Co-Chair - Standards Working Group and Impact Engine Framework, Green Software Foundation

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Anne Currie

Anne Currie

Community Chair, Green Software Foundation

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Gerry McGovern

Gerry McGovern

Author of Top Tasks and World Wide Waste,

Find out more

Claire Robinson

Claire Robinson

Director of Sustainable Business Consulting, TransformUK

Find out more



Carbon vs Cost: Can you 'retrofit' digital services for Sustainability?

Get in touch:

Craig Melson

Craig Melson

Associate Director for Climate, Environment and Sustainability, techUK

Margot Stumm

Margot Stumm

Head of Events and Sponsorship, techUK