Is your business struggling to attract and retain skilled staff? Have you thought about hiring an apprentice, or using an apprenticeship to upskill existing employees, but aren’t sure how to go about it? Don’t know where to start or put off by the language used?

Maybe you are just starting to think about apprenticeship options for your business, have specific questions around funding or practical issues, aren’t sure what training is available, or are ready to recruit.

Whatever sector your business is in, attend this free webinar and hear experts from Growth Workspurplebeard and Baltic Apprenticeships explain how to:

  • Identify apprenticeship opportunities
  • Understand the standards and process
  • Advertise for an apprentice
  • Understand the apprenticeship levy and how to access the levy pool
  • Hear what subjects are available to study, including emerging technologies like AI

techUK's Skills, Talent and Diversity Programme activities

techUK work with our members to signpost the opportunity of digital jobs and ensure these opportunities are open to people of diverse backgrounds. We strive to help our members attract, recruit, and retain a diverse workforce, whilst showcasing their work on workplace innovation. Visit the programme page here


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Here are the five reasons to join the Skills, Talent and Diversity programme


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Our members develop strong networks, build meaningful partnerships and grow their businesses as we all work together to create a thriving environment where industry, government and stakeholders come together to realise the positive outcomes tech can deliver.

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