The Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV) alongside Innovate UK, KTN and ZENZIC invite you to join them in an industry engagement event and workshop on 13 May 2022.

The session will give CCAV the opportunity to update you on their plans for the coming years relating to connected and automated mobility and provide you with the opportunity to discuss the target areas which need the most support from Government and what methods would be best to deliver them. CCAV will give a broad update on plans for commercial deployments of CAM in both public and private locations, and the mobility of people and goods, feasibility studies into mass transport solutions and supply chain support. 

The agenda for the session is outlined below:

10.00 – Welcome and Introductions. Ashley Feldman, Programme Manager, Transport and Smart Cities, techUK

10.10 – Overview of CCAV activity. Michael Talbot, Deputy Head, CCAV

10.20 – CCAV support for CAM.  David Webb, Head of Innovation, CCAV

10.40 – Innovate UK update. Richard Morris, Innovate UK

10.50 – Zenzic update and industry engagement and support. Mark Cracknell, Director, CAM, Zenzic

11.00 – Questions and Networking

11.30 – Close

If you have any questions please contact [email protected] or Frances Williamson [email protected]

Lucas Banach

Lucas Banach

Programme Assistant, Data Centres, Climate, Environment and Sustainability, Market Access, techUK

Lucas Banach is Programme Assistant at techUK, he works on a range of programmes including Data Centres; Climate, Environment & Sustainability; Market Access and Smart Infrastructure and Systems.

Before that Lucas who joined in 2008, held various roles in our organisation, which included his role as Office Executive, Groups and Concept Viability Administrator, and most recently he worked as Programme Executive for Public Sector. He has a postgraduate degree in International Relations from the Andrzej Frycz-Modrzewski Cracow University.

[email protected]
020 7331 2006

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