techUK is delighted to be hosting a webinar on Thursday 26 September (10am-11:30am)  with researchers from The Alan Turing Institute's Centre for Emerging Technology and Security (CETaS) and experts on the topic of enhancing cyber resilience of offshore wind.

Cyberattacks directly or indirectly affecting offshore wind are happening already, with a number of companies such as Enercon, Vestas, Nordex and Deutsche Windtechnik reporting malware and ransomware attacks in recent years. These attacks underscore the vulnerability of offshore wind infrastructure and have the potential to cause significant operational, financial, and reputational damage. To address this, resilience should be bolstered in critical areas such as grid integration points, control centres, and supply chain intersections.

New research from CETaS and the Turing's Data-Centric Egineering (DCE) programme explores how the resilience of offshore wind farms could be reinforced by artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent automation. The most promising AI applications identified in the research include anomaly-based intrusion detection, intrusion protection systems, and predictive maintenance.

As investment in offshore wind is prioritised to meet renewable energy targets, the need to boost the cyber resilience of these critical systems becomes ever more important. Join us on 26 September to explore what actions industry bodies and government should take to enable a shift towards resilience-based engineering and enhance the cybersecurity of offshore wind.

Speakers to be confirmed.

Jill Broom

Jill Broom

Head of Cyber Resilience, techUK

Annie Collings

Annie Collings

Programme Manager, Cyber Security and Central Government, techUK

Raya Tsolova

Programme Manager, techUK

Tracy Modha

Team Assistant - Markets, techUK

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