Technology has revolutionised the financial sector, from Open Banking, digital assets and new ways of making and receiving payments. Finance has become faster, more accessible and more convenient. 

However, as technology has advanced, so too has the sophistication of online fraud.

In the first half of last year, UK Finance reported almost £600m was stolen in fraud. Synectics Solutions research found that Identity related fraud was the most common category reported by banks and financial services. This can range from theft of genuine customer information, to using fictious details, and is projected to account for half of all bank fraud by 2025. 

In an increasingly digital society, the ability to verify your identity is essential, and key in protecting yourself from fraud. Digital ID therefore has a key role to play in the fight against fraud.

The ability to meet this threat and create more secure online financial services will require cross sector collaboration both within financial services and across industry. 

Join us alongside leading experts to hear about how Digital Identity is supporting the fight against Fraud in financial services and what more needs to happen to make financial services safer. 

In this session we’ll be asking: 

🔐How can Digital ID help to stay abreast of emerging fraud threats in financial services and e-commerce?  

💳What benefits are there to using a Digital ID  when fighting financial fraud? 

💭How can industry adopt these solutions into their current processes? 

👨If Digital ID’s are deployed to protect against financial fraud, what impact does this have on the consumer? 

🤝What is the role of collaboration, both within and cross industry, in combatting financial fraud? 

To find out more about the organisations joining us, visit their websites: Synectics Solutions, GBG plc ,  OneIDRevolut