Future of compute campaign launch: How can we make the UK a leader in compute?
Future of compute campaign launch: How can we make the UK a leader in compute?

Large-scale computing is a key enabler of science, research and innovation and sits at the heart of value chains that extend deep into the economy. LSC is essential to R&D in a range of sectors, including healthcare and drug discovery, engineering and manufacturing, financial services and risk analysis, particle physics, materials science and more.
It is understandable, then, that LSC is viewed as a key part of the UK’s ambition to remain a world leader in science and innovation and should be seen as strategic national infrastructure, as important to our economic future in an information age as steel was in the industrial age.
Yet despite the UK’s global leadership in data analytics, cybersecurity, AI, machine learning and quantum technologies, the UK is falling behind in compute infrastructure when compared to other leading nations. Furthermore, the window for the UK to remain competitive in LSC is quickly closing: Whilst the EU, USA, China, and Japan are all pushing forward with exascale systems, the UK’s share of global LSC capacity has decreased by three-fifths over five years, falling to 2.0% in 2019. Lack of investment in this vital infrastructure will make the UK less competitive in both academia and key industries like life sciences, aerospace, and energy.
This event, kick-starting techUK’s new supercomputing campaign, will deep-dive into the UK’s current compute ecosystem, where the UK is positioning itself as a leader, and where we are falling behind. In particular, we will look to address:
- From HPC, quantum to cloud, what is the UK’s computing ecosystem?
- Where are these technologies converging, and how do we encourage this convergence?
- How will demand for compute in the UK to change over the next decade, and can the UK meet this demand?
- How can the UK Future of Compute review leverage UK compute as a key national asset?
- Where should we look internationally to support UK resources and what are these nations getting right?
Speakers include:
- Dave Snelling, Director Artificial Intelligence, Fujitsu
- Alison Kennedy, Strategic Advisor, STFC
- Vasilis Kapsalis, EMEA Business Leader, SambaNova Systems
- Hannah Cooke, Co-Chair, Future of Compute Review Secretariat, DCMS
- Laura Foster, Head of Tech & Innovation, techUK

Rory Daniels
Rory joined techUK in June 2023 after three years in the Civil Service on its Fast Stream leadership development programme.

Laura Foster
Laura is techUK’s Associate Director for Technology and Innovation.

Elis Thomas
Elis joined techUK in December 2023 as a Programme Manager for Tech and Innovation, focusing on AI, Semiconductors and Digital ID.