On Tuesday 23rd January from 10:00-11:30, HMRC Data Platform Services team have arranged for a virtual supplier briefing, ahead of the scheduled ITT release in Spring 2024 for the re-tender of its legacy Data & Analytics platforms. In addition to notifying the market of an upcoming contract, HMRC are keen to understand the market's interest to bid in addition to covering off any questions.

HMRC is seeking a supplier partner to share an exciting opportunity: We are engaging the market to explore innovative ideas on run and transformation of our legacy Data & Analytics platforms. The aim is to maintain existing critical service levels whilst delivering the flexible, efficient, and affordable platform landscape we will need for the next 10 years. It is anticipated that supplier investment in early contract years will unlock incremental benefits over the contract duration which will then be used to support successful iterative transformation.

This session will allow HMRC to set out to the suppliers its vision to procure services for the Legacy Data Warehouse project, including:

  • The high level requirement,
  • Indicative timelines and
  • Route to market.

This session will also provide an opportunity for suppliers to feedback and influence HMRC’s vision, ahead of the release of the ITT.

Please note that the intention is to run this procurement via Lot 1 of the Big Data and Analytics Framework. If you’re on this framework, make sure to book your place now!