In January 2023, Home Office launched a consultation on proposals to strengthen the law on serious and organised crime. Part of this consultation seeks views on options for new offences to criminalise the making, modifying, supplying, offering to supply and possession of articles for use in serious crime. 

This measure seeks to address the rapidly evolving tools and technologies exploited by serious criminals. Law enforcement agencies are increasingly encountering articles where there is a strong suspicion that they are being used for the purpose of serious crime. 

Such articles can include: 

  • sophisticated encrypted communication devices used to facilitate organised crime;
  • vehicle concealments used to conceal and transport illicit goods;
  • digital templates that can be used for 3D-printing firearms; and
  • pill presses used in the supply of illegal drugs.

You can find the full consultation here

Join us on the 9 March where techUK will be hosting the Home Office for a breifing on the consultation and wider policy landscape around serious and organised crime, before techUK members will have the chance to ask any questions they may feel will inform their response to the consultation. 

We will then continue with a roundtable discussion of the most relevant questions, seeking feedback and input from techUK members which will inform the techUK response to the consultation. 

Please note that this event will be hybrid, both online and at the techUK offices in London, and we strongly encourage members to attend in-person where they can, in order to have an interactive and detailed session. 

Raya Tsolova

Programme Manager, techUK

Georgie Morgan

Georgie Morgan

Head of Justice and Emergency Services, techUK