“Stark divide” in UK’s regional tech sector could hold back future growth.

Future economic growth could be held back because of the ‘stark regional divides’ in the UK’s technology sector, as shown by the results in the techUK  Local Digital Capital Index 2022.

The Local Digital Capital (LDC) Index measures the strengths of the UK’s regional digital ecosystems. In 2022, it concluded that a technology sector concentrated and reliant on the South of England isn’t sustainable for the wider UK economy.

Some Scottish regions scored well in the Index, however results were not consistent across Scotland. This session will consider how the tech sector can continue to thrive and grow in Scotland, if the challenges facing the tech sector are being met and how the success of the sector can be built on to improve innovation, create new job opportunities, deliver growth and improve services.

techUK has called on the Government to work with the industry in order to secure future growth in the sector, create jobs and invest at a local level. To read the full report and see our recommendations to Government follow this link.

What next for Scotland?

techUK is committed to developing strong local economies across our nations and regions that ensure the tech sector is at the forefront of delivering new and improved services, products, careers, companies and helping to tackle climate change. As part of our plans we are holding a number of sessions and events across the UK.

The first of these sessions will be hosted by KPMG on 2 February in Edinburgh, with Scottish Government and other stakeholders invited. We are delighted to be partnering with KPMG and to be joined by David Gimson, Director, Infrastructure, Government and Healthcare Consulting – Scotland for the discussion.


The event will include an SME tech panel looking at the opportunities and challenges for tech firms (especially SMEs) in Scotland, and how SMEs in Scotland are helping to grow the economy, innovate and create new jobs. We'll also discuss the impacts of the Scottish tech ecosystem, before we have a fireside chat with Mark Logan, Chief Entrepreneur to the Scottish Government. Mark is the former COO at SkyScanner, and as the Chief Entrepreneur to the Scottish Government led the Scottish Technology Ecosystem Review in 2020 which aided techUK in the development of our Local Digital Capital (LDC) Index.

This is going to be a great event and we encourge all local stakeholders to come and have their say. 

Read the highlights from the event here https://www.techuk.org/resource/event-round-up-how-is-scotland-s-tech-ecosystem-supporting-economic-growth-and-productivity.html

Ed Bevan

Ed Bevan

Head of SME Engagement, techUK

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Julian David

Julian David

CEO, techUK

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Jill DeBene

Jill DeBene

CEO, Sitekit

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Mark Elliott

Mark Elliott

Programme Director, CivTech

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David Gimson

David Gimson

Director, Infrastructure, Government and Healthcare Consulting – Scotland, KPMG

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Chris Gledhill

Chris Gledhill


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Dr Nicola Hodson

Dr Nicola Hodson

techUK Deputy President, Chief Executive in the UK and Ireland, IBM

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Mark Logan

Mark Logan

Chief Entrepreneur, Scottish Government

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Kelly Nicholls

Kelly Nicholls

CEO, TechSkills, techUK

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Loral Quinn

Loral Quinn

CEO, CodeClan

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Ed Thewlis

Ed Thewlis

Co-founder , The Data Shed

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Roundtable partner:


From the start of our 150-year history, we’ve worked to deliver for our UK communities. It’s core to our Values. Today, we focus where the need is most acute and where we know we can make the biggest difference.




techUK – Building Stronger Local Economies

techUK champions the tech sector throughout the UK. We work with local authorities, devolved government, and local and national policy makers to advocate for the tech sector in strengthening economic growth and resilience. We provide opportunities for our members and local stakeholders to meet, build relationships, and collaborate to drive forward local projects. For more information or to get in touch, please visit our Nations and Regions Hub and click ‘contact us’. 




Matt Robinson

Matt Robinson

Head of Nations and Regions, techUK

Ileana Lupsa

Ileana Lupsa

Programme Manager, Local Public Services and Nations and Regions, techUK

Stephanie Barr

Programme Manager, SME Engagement and Nations & Regions, techUK

Tracy Modha

Tracy Modha

Team Assistant - Markets, techUK