Join techUK’s Information Superiority Forum for a 'one year on' briefing and Q&A with Dr Arif Mustafa, the RAF's CDIO.


RAF Digital Strategy – Where we started and where we currently are.


  • The presentation will be around updating key points of progress and challenge
  • Where we aim to get to
  • How industry has helped and can help further


Dr Arif Mustafa is the Royal Air Force’s inaugural Chief Information Officer and first 2* Officer to command RAF Digital. Upon his appointment in 2021 he produced the RAF Digital Strategy, initiating a series of 9 programmes of work to fully modernise how the RAF manages its digital portfolio with the goal of enabling Military Operations to be conducted in the most efficient manner possible using cutting-edge digital technologies. During this talk, Dr Mustafa will give an update on the Digital Strategy’s progress to date – the successes and continuing challenges and speak about where he wants to take the strategy next. Noting the importance of the RAF’s industry partners he will be focusing on where they have been key enablers to those successes to date and on where our collaborative efforts can take us in the future.

Fred Sugden

Fred Sugden

Associate Director, Defence and National Security, techUK

Raya Tsolova

Programme Manager, techUK

Jeremy Wimble

Jeremy Wimble

Programme Manager, Defence, techUK

Tracy Modha

Team Assistant - Markets, techUK

Defence Programme

The Defence Programme works to help the UK’s Defence technology sector align itself with the MOD, specifically with the department’s Defence Digital organisation. The programme aims to help the sector remain at the forefront of technology exploitation. Our members play a vital role in supporting the MOD to procure digital technologies in a way that generates added value for end-users across the Defence ecosystem, from internal business functions to frontline operations.

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