On Thursday 23 March, techUK and UK Spectrum Policy Forum will be hosting a roundtable on the future of the crucial 470-694 MHz range

In late 2022, the UK Spectrum Policy Forum published the ‘Future of the UHF Band’ report by Coleago Consulting at the UK SPF’s 2022 Future Policy Summit.  

The report examines the potential futures of the 470-694 MHz band through four possible post-2030 scenarios: 

  • Scenario 1 ‘Status Quo’  
  • Scenario 2 ‘Flexible Use’  
  • Scenario 3 ‘IMT600 band plan’  
  • Scenario 4 ‘Transition to IPTV’  

The scenarios reflect the dynamic nature of this band, including possible demand changes amongst incumbent and potential stakeholders, including Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT),  its three key stakeholders: Mobile, Programme Making and Special Events (PMSE) and Mobile. Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT).  

Since the report was launched, significant developments have taken place internationally – including the publication of EU’s the Radio Spectrum Policy Group Opinion on WRC-23. has published its opinion on WRC-23, with the future designation of the UHF band being an item on the agenda. 

Given that some scenarios in the report suggest would require a change of usage for the band, the UK Spectrum Policy Forum is hosting a hybrid roundtable session to allow interested stakeholders to discuss the findings and scenearios presented in the this report. 

The report recognises that each scenario holds the potential for costs and harms to society as well as benefits. Therefore, the discussion will not just include the spectrum implications, but a wide-range of aspects, such as financial, social and cultural.  

The roundtable will be conducted under Chatham House rule.  

After a keynote opening speech from Kenneth Concanon, CPG PTD Chair & CEPT coordinator for WRC-23 AI 1.5, each scenario will receive a 30 minute slot. Speakers from each of the major stakeholder groups will have five minutes to present their position, and there will be 15 minutes to discuss each scenario with the stakeholders and the audience.  





If you have any questions, please get in touch. 

Sign up to hear from key stakeholders and to be part of the conversation on the future of this crucial band going forward. 

Sophie Greaves

Sophie Greaves

Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy, techUK

Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK