Come join the second STC quarterly meeting of 2024 on Thursday 19 June 2024 at techUK's London office. 

Note: This meeting has been shortened to one hour. 

The joint techUK/UKspace Satellite Telecommunications Committee meets quarterly to consider matters related to satellite telecoms from research and development, including the European ARTES programme, to services and applications including the provision and marketing of satellite broadband, satellite IoT, and broadcasting infrastructure and services both in the UK and overseas.

The Committees work together with the techUK Communications Infrastructure and Services team, especially on spectrum issues. techUK members may also like to consider joining the UK Spectrum Policy Forum.

The Committee is chaired by Jon Wakeling, BT - Roy Dalton, CGI, and Kumar Singarajah, Euroma, are Vice Chairs. 



Agenda Item   


Welcome & Intro - Jon Wakeling, STC  


Presentations and speakers: 

  • UKspace update - Colin Baldwin, UKspace
  • techUK Update - Tales Gaspar, techUK
  • Update on Horizon Europe Funding call - Catherne Holt and Alex Watkins, Innovate UK
  • Update on the roadmaps for satcoms - Joanna Hart, Space Partnership


AOB & Close - Jon Wakeling, STC  

If you have any questions, please contact the team below.

Josh Turpin

Josh Turpin

Programme Manager, Telecoms and Net Zero, techUK

Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK