techUK is working with the Digital and Technology Category Team in the Commercial Directorate at NHS England to set up a new Healthtech Procurement Community of Practice to help foster collaboration between tech suppliers and the public sector. Given the complexity of the space, procurement of healthtech products and services is a key priority for the techUK Health and Social Care programme and the members that we work closely with.

Our Ten Point Plan for Healthtech and Right from the Start reports put emphasis on the importance of getting procurement right. Public procurement is estimated to account for nearly £300bn of all public expenditure per year. Ensuring value for money for the taxpayer while using the mechanisms we have at our disposal to help bring in innovation is therefore also a key priority for the Government, as outlined in the response to the Transforming Public Procurement consultation (link above) published in December 2021. With legislation now passing through the Houses of Parliament and the new procurement regime expected to go live in 2023, the time is right for us to now launch this group.

In support of the aim to transform how procurement is delivered across NHS England, digital and technology procurement framework strategy recommendations have recently been published. The goal is to make the procurement process easier for both buyers and vendors to navigate, removing duplication and reducing costs. These recommendations formed part of the Secretary of State’s Plan for Digital Health and Social Care.

The Central Commercial Function (CCF) helps trusts and ICBs to leverage NHS buying power through category expertise in areas such as digital, estates and facilities and transport. Find out more about the Central Commercial Function (CCF).

Joining our regular meetings will provide you with an opportunity to:

  • Participate in a forum that aims to facilitate trusted, open and frank discussion regarding challenges faced in procurement processes;
  • Share best practice and facilitate exchange of ideas;
  • Explore challenges and opportunities around procurement frameworks and routes to market;
  • Receive regular updates from the procurement team on the work undertaken to improve procurement of healthtech; and
  • Engage directly with national stakeholders helping to shape the market.

If you are interested in taking part, please register your interest and sign up to attend the first meeting, taking place on 28 February, 14:30-16:00, where you will get to meet the NHS England team we are working with to set up the community.


  • Introductions
  • Background, aims and purpose
  • Framework strategy recommendations – the journey to date
  • Procurement regulatory landscape
  • Questions and feedback

From there onwards, the group will meet on a bi-monthly basis, with members expected to engage in debate and discussion.

If you would like to send in questions beforehand based on the published guidance, digital and technology procurement framework strategy recommendations, please do so by the 24 February so we can share them with the CCF team.

Robert Walker

Robert Walker

Head of Health & Social Care, techUK

Viola Pastorino

Viola Pastorino

Junior Programme Manager, Health and Care Team, techUK

Clara Hewitt

Clara Hewitt

Programme Manager, Health and Social Care, techUK

Rachel Kennedy

Rachel Kennedy

Programme Manager Health and Social Care, techUK

Tracy Modha

Tracy Modha

Team Assistant - Markets, techUK