To put digital technology at the heart of local government services
Local Government Chronicle is delighted to introduce a new and exciting event for 2025 – Digital Futures. This event is designed to ignite discussions on the future of digital transformation within local government. Register your interest in attending here.
Why it matters?
Local government councils face a £3 billion funding gap in 2023/2024
How does it impact?
Essential services in social care, children’s services and housing face rising demand with limited budget and workforce
What could positive change do?
Local councils using digital transformation strategies have saved an estimated £4 billion since 2010
LGC Digital Futures offers sponsoring partners a unique insight into the challenges and future plans for this sector, the opportunity to contribute their expertise to the conversation, and great networking potential. By sponsoring the event you will be able to:
- Meet local authority decision makers
- Raise your profile with a broad audience of digital stakeholders
- Collect audience data for ongoing marketing and sales activities
- Demonstrate your expertise in the field
- Showcase your solutions and gain thought leadership in a key sector
- Gain insight on what councils need to inform your future business plans
To discover more about our sponsorship packages and align your organisation with a flagship event on digital transformation, please contact Andrew Leggatt on 020 3953 2719 or email on [email protected]