techUK is convening industry and local public sector for a roundtable addressing a main challenge for local authorities when it comes to making decisions on their Net Zero journey - the lack of good quality climate-related data that prohibits action to be taken moving forward.
Please note that places are limited and only one person per company can join.
This roundtable follows from a workshop where we looked at the key themes which local authorities face when mitigating climate change risks and meeting their Net Zero targets where we found that one of the challenges local authorities are facing is the lack of frameworks standardisation for defining emissions from across the sectors. Similarly, there needs to be standardisation when it comes to the way we measure emissions and analyse the data to understand how sustainability projects impact emissions reduction and also use the data efficiently for future decisions-making. The discussion highlighted the need for more progress in:
- the way we access the data
- understand the data that is available
- improve data modelling and monitoring taking into consideration data ethics and the specifics of the application
- improving data interoperability
- look at what platforms and dashboards are needed
We will be hearing from Westminster City Council about their climate action plan and challenges they are facing when it comes to data risks (the need for better data granularity to quantify impact of carbon savings, the current process for gathering data being inefficient and time consuming, and the lack of standardised way of collecting data).
Join this roundtable to discuss how we can enable the collection and use of good quality climate-related data and how we can combine those datasets in the most effective way to generate insights and present them in a meaningful way. If you are an industry representative you will have the opportunity to highlight your tech and digital solution and innovation. If you are a local authority you will have the opportunity to showcase any examples of good practice and lessons learned as well as learn more from industry.
We will be joined by Aidan Jones, Product Manager – Environment and Bilaal Hussain, Climate Emergency Data Analyst from Westminster City Council.
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