This is a briefing and input event for techUK members to feed into techUK's response to the National Planning Policy Framework consultation. 

techUK will be responding to the Government’s consultation on their planned changes to the National Planning Policy Framework. You can find the Government consultation, and materials relating to it, here.

The Government is proposing to update the National Planning Policy Framework. The reforms include revising definitions of the Green Belt, including creating a definition of ‘grey belt’ land, and explicitly recognising data centres and other forms of digital and tech infrastructure as a priority for development.

This web event is designed to collect member feedback to inform techUK's response. techUK staff will go through each section of the consultation we plan to respond to in order to gain direct verbal feedback from members. These include the sections focusing on digital infrastructure, the definition of grey belt vs Green Belt and the definition of Nationally-Significant Infrastructure.

We will then use the verbal responses to help inform our consultation response.

Our draft response will be emailed to all attendees ahead of the session. This session will be also recorded for internal-purposes only. 

Our deadline for feeding into our first draft is Wednesday 4 September. Combined with this session, it will inform the second draft of our response which will then be circulated for member feedback before being submitted as techUK's response.

If you have any questions, or would like to provide written feedback based on techUK's draft response, please email [email protected]


Archie Breare

Archie Breare

Public Affairs Manager, techUK

Teodora Kaneva

Teodora Kaneva

Head of Smart Infrastructure and Systems, techUK

Luisa C. Cardani

Luisa C. Cardani

Head of Data Centres Programme, techUK