Following the two successful connectathons, techUK is hosting the NHS Genomic Medicine Service for a wrap-up session. The connectathons brought together healthcare suppliers to test the NHS Genomics FHIR Implementation Guide and its implementation via the Genomic Order Management Service FHIR API.

The wrap-up session will provide a comprehensive review of the testing outcomes, focusing on the successful sharing of test requests, status updates, and genomic test results through the central broker system. This session brings together healthcare suppliers, NHS stakeholders, and technical teams to review outcomes and chart the path forward for genomic data interoperability in the NHS.

Health and Social Care Programme activities

techUK is helping its members navigate the complex space of digital health in the UK to ensure our NHS and social care sector is prepared for the challenges of the future. We help validate new ideas and build impactful strategies, ultimately ensuring that members are market-ready. Visit the programme page here.

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