From the events webpage:

For over 100 years scientists and engineers have developed technologies that have enabled higher and higher radio frequencies to be used for a wide range of applications such as communications, scientific research, and healthcare. These innovations have helped create a virtuous circle between the demand for, and the supply of, new spectrum bands.

There is growing interest in using these higher frequencies above 100 GHz, commonly referred to as ‘Terahertz’ spectrum, for all sorts of uses including new sensing and positioning applications, medical diagnosis, industrial processes, and potentially the new frontier for mobile and wireless broadband networks.

This event is aimed at starting a conversation about how spectrum regulators can help maximise the value of Terahertz bands and how best to share this limited resource between existing and new users. Given the scale of the investment and timescales required to develop the technologies and applications, a clear roadmap of how and when spectrum will be made available is vital to unlock its potential.

We’ll be joined by an international panel of experts from academia, industry, and regulation including: Javier Juárez, Commissioner, Federal Institute of Telecommunications, Mexico, Agostinho Linhares, Spectrum Orbit, Anatel, Brazil, Professor Ted Rappaport, New York University, Dr Howard Benn, VP Communications Research, Samsung Electronics and Professor Brian Ellison, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering & Head of Millimetre-Wave Technology at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.

This free online event will be on Wednesday, 14 July from 14:00-15:30 BST. After booking a place you will receive a link to the event. Only registered attendees will be able to attend. You do not need a Microsoft Teams account to attend the event.

This event may be recorded for internal use.

You can join the conversation on social media using #OfcomSpectrum

As part of our global conversation, Ofcom will be holding another event in the autumn on future networks beyond 5G. Further details will follow.

If you have any further questions, please contact us by email at [email protected]

For more information please get in touch with the below team.

Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK

Sophie Greaves

Sophie Greaves

Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy, techUK