Ofgem is seeking views on the framework for establishing Regional Energy Strategic Plans (RESP) across Great Britain. This consultation aims to define the content, governance, and regional boundaries for these plans, supporting the government’s “Make Britain A Clean Energy Superpower” initiative and the Labour Party’s Local Power Plan.

Aims of the Consultation:

  • The main goal is to support the coordinated development of energy distribution systems at a regional level, facilitating long-term, confident investments ahead of need.
  • It seeks to accelerate the transition to net zero by 2030, ensuring that investment is timely, cost-effective, and aligns with local energy needs and decarbonization goals.
  • Another aim is to improve local energy planning by creating clear roadmaps for regional energy system development.


  • Three-Part Planning Process: The consultation introduces a planning process comprising three elements:
    • Strategic Spatial Energy Plan (SSEP): National-level planning.
    • Centralised Strategic Network Plan (CSNP): Centralized network planning.
    • Regional Energy Strategic Plan (RESP): Regional-level planning.
  • RESP Components:
    • Modelling Supply and Demand: Establishing long-term regional visions and strategic net zero pathways.
    • Identifying System Need: Producing consistent planning assumptions, setting spatial contexts, and pinpointing areas for strategic investment.
    • Technical Coordination: Ensuring coherent plans across the RESP and network plans, addressing gaps and identifying system-wide opportunities.
  • Regional Governance: Proposes the formation of a Strategic Board in each region, including representatives from local and devolved governments, network companies, and other relevant sectors to oversee RESP development.
  • Regional Boundaries: Suggests dividing Great Britain into 11 regions, with specific proposals for England, Wales, and Scotland.

Expected Outcomes:

  • The consultation is expected to enhance coordination between national and local energy planning, leading to more efficient, targeted investments.
  • It will create a focal point for accountability and whole-system coordination at the regional level, helping to streamline the transition to a decarbonised energy system.

The deadline for this consultation is 8 October 2024. 

The full consultation document can be found here

This session will provide members with more information and be an input session to inform techUK's submission. 

Teodora Kaneva

Teodora Kaneva

Head of Smart Infrastructure and Systems, techUK

Teodora’s rich background varies from working in business development for a renewable energy lobbying association in Brussels to the fast moving technology innovation startup scene in the UK.

She has designed the market strategy for a German renewable energy engineering scale up for the UK, listed on Nasdaq private market, and now one of the fastest growing scale ups in the world. Previous experience also includes managing a renewable energy startup in London, which has built a small-scale biomass CHP power plant. Teodora is passionate about cross-industry collaboration and working together with academia to inform the design of future educational models and skill building.

Most recently Teodora has ran the commercial activities and business development at Future Cities Catapult, focusing on innovation in cities, digital health and wellbeing, mobility, and infrastructure. Teodora is a passionate STEM Ambassador and a vocal advocate for women in tech.

[email protected]
020 7331 2016

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