Find your perfect tech business partner at the Security and Public Safety ‘speed dating’ event.

As part of the Security and Public Safety SME Forum’s initiative to improve partnerships between SMEs and the tech community, techUK is hosting a speed-dating-style networking event. Discussions will focus on innovative solutions to support law enforcement and tackle growing challenges of organised crime.

The event aims at fostering connections between major security and public safety providers and small/medium size suppliers (SMEs) who are providing, or wish to provide, their solutions to law enforcement agencies.

The session will be hosted at techUK’s 10 St Bride Street office from 14:00 to 17:30 on 7 May.  All techUK companies – large and small – are invited on a “first come, first serve” basis given limited space.


Please note: 

  • Attendance is strictly limited to one person per supplier 
  • This event is not targeted at any suppliers’ “partner manager” (or equivalent title). 
  • Two weeks before the event, techUK will issue the full list of large and small companies taking part. All confirmed participants will be given access to companies’ “bio” via techUK as soon they become available. 
  • Pizza and drinks at the end of the event! 

What does the event entail? 

Everyone attending will have the opportunity to speak to large primes and SMEs. The format for the session will involve speed dating style networking (facilitated by techUK) People will rotate around tables and have 4-5 minutes to connect. This will then be followed by networking over refreshments and pizza in the members area.  

Please note attendance is strictly limited to one person per supplier 

If you’re a large company: The innovative nature of SMEs means that a partnership can bring a multitude of benefits. Prepare to discuss what your company does to support SMEs, what is the value you see as a larger company and the partnership opportunities available. 

If you’re an SME: techUK is always championing the work that SMEs do and the value they provide, if you’re an SME this is your chance to showcase exactly what it is that you can do. Highlight the value you can bring and what you have to offer! 

Raya Tsolova

Senior Programme Manager, techUK

Cinzia Miatto

Cinzia Miatto

Programme Manager - Justice & Emergency Services, techUK

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techUK’s National Security programme leads the debate on emerging technologies which present opportunities to strengthen UK national security. Through a variety of market engagement and policy activities we assess the capability of these technologies against various national security threats. Visit the programme page here


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Raya Tsolova

Senior Programme Manager, techUK

Tracy Modha

Tracy Modha

Team Assistant - Markets, techUK