Join us as we convene key voices in the scaleup ecosystem, discussing how semiconductor companies can be further supported in the UK. This roundtable will bring together key stakeholders across government and industry.

Spaces are very limited. Register your interest now.

Semiconductor technology underpins almost everything in our modern, digital world; from consumer electronics, transport, satellites, energy and future technologies like AI and Net Zero. Estimated to be a $1Trn industry by 2030, the UK’s position as global tech leader can only continue if Semiconductor companies are able to scale and grow. Semiconductor businesses have the ability to generate massive investment into an area, bringing with them thousands of high-paid jobs. 

The UK already hosts a strong scaleup ecosystem, they make up just 1% of SME firms, but account for 8% of SME employment and 22% of SME turnover according to an analysis from the Social Markets Foundation.  

As companies begin to scale, they face barriers over access to finance, talent and physical infrastructure, each year, the UK is estimated to have a £15bn gap in scale-up funding. The high skill requirements, paired with capital-intensive demands of Semiconductor scaleups, has left them even more vulnerable. 

Scaleups act as a key engine for growth in our economy, and it is essential we work together to facilitate an ecosystem of growth. For the UK to create massive technological growth and productivity, targeted support will be required to allow Semiconductor spinouts, scaleups, and startups to thrive.