The Thames Valley Violence Reduction Unit (TVVRU) requires a multi-agency approach across policing, local authorities, prisons and probation and the voluntary and community sectors. The unit supports and coordinates the local response to serious violence and embeds a public health approach in tackling the causes of violence through early intervention and prevention.

The work of the unit is underpinned by data-led and evidence-based approaches, ensuring agencies are aware of where serious violence occurs, risk and causation factors and what preventative measures could be implemented. A priority for the team is the development of the first multi-agency data-sharing and analytical platform.

Join techUK for a virtual briefing with the Director of the TVVRU, Superintendent Stan Gilmour and Serena Cuthbert, Business Intelligence and Insight Analyst at Buckhinghamshire Council to hear about:

  • How a multi-agency / place based approach has overcome collaborative information sharing challenges facing public, private and community sectors.
  • How TVVRU have overcome the challenges of data-sharing and interoperability across the police, government departments and partner agencies.
  • How the data is being researched and applied – ethically, and through evidence based intervention and prevention in tackling serious violence.
  • How TVVRU have shared learnings and best-practice with other units and agencies
  • How industry can help in current and future challenges.

Agenda to be confirmed.

Any questions, please reach out to the team using the details below.

Robert Walker

Robert Walker

Head of Health & Social Care, techUK

Georgie Morgan

Georgie Morgan

Head of Justice and Emergency Services, techUK