If government is looking to kickstart its Growth Plan, it must prioritise delivering on the ambitions for the rollout, and take-up, of full fibre and 5G. That is the message techUK’s telecoms members have shared in a new report examining the impact of the Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review (FTIR), published four years ago. 

At this techUK event, we will bring together members from the telecoms sector – both fixed and mobile – with key stakeholders and analysts to discuss the impact of the FTIR, what’s worked, what hasn’t and crucially, what now needs to be done to maximise the benefits of rolling out fibre and 5G across the UK.  

We will also discuss techUK’s recommendations to government and the regulator as we prepare for new policy frameworks, reforms, and strategies (particularly for the wireless/mobile sector).

We have a number of non-member tickets available for this event - make sure to book your place and any questions, please contact Sophie James, Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy, techUK. 



Arrival & refreshments 



Welcome and introductions 

Sophie James, techUK 


Opening remarks 

Matt Evans, Director - Markets, techUK


Panel discussion 

Alex Blowers, Director of Regulatory Affairs, CityFibre 

Jonathan Freeman, Strategic Growth & Regulatory Director, Cellnex UK 

Catherine Colloms, Director of Corporate Affairs and Brand, Openreach

Ian Adkins, Principal, Analysys Mason  

Alex Towers, Director of Policy and Public Affairs, BT Group

Moderator: Sophie James, Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy, techUK




About techUK’s report: The FTIR: Fit to deliver for 5G and full fibre four years on? 

Published four years ago, the Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review examined the market and policy conditions that would enable greater investment in future telecoms infrastructure at pace. techUK's report outlines our members’ views on the outcomes and impact of the FTIR since it was published in 2018 and includes recommendations for government to consider.  

techUK surveyed members of its Telecoms Infrastructure and Deployment Working Group to reflect on the original FTIR commitments, and in our report, we summarise member views on what has worked, what hasn’t, what government is yet to deliver, and the consequences for the market. 

The FTIR report

Progress on 5G and full fibre delivery, four years on - techUK's new report examining the impact of the Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review (FTIR), published four years ago.

Download for free

For any queries related to this event, please feel free to get in touch with the below Team:

Josh Turpin

Josh Turpin

Programme Manager, Telecoms and Net Zero, techUK

Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK