The Scotland 5G Centre are hosting an event, Transforming your business with 5G, which will be held on the 17th April at the Technology & Innovation Centre, Glasgow.

The event is targeting businesses and these are some of the things they could expect from the event

  • Engage with The Scotland 5G Centre and find out how it can help their business.
  • Explore the benefits that 5G is bringing across multiple industry sectors and places across the UK.
  • Discover the opportunities available to Scottish Businesses through our free to use S5GConnect Programme and innovation hubs.
  • Preview innovative 5G use cases, that show how 5G is transforming everyday business operations
  • Discuss how we can support their business needs, challenges and opportunities and gain free access to our 5G testbeds.

For any questions or concerns please feel free to get in touch with the below team!

Sophie Greaves

Sophie Greaves

Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy, techUK

Jaynesh Patel

Jaynesh Patel

Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy, techUK

Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK

Matthew Wild

Programme Assistant - Markets, techUK