We're excited to announce our UK Japan Tech Forum event for 2024, on the 16 July

In May 2023 the UK and Japanese Prime Minister’s signed the Hiroshima Accord, which set out unprecedented potential to tech collaboration and cooperation between the UK and Japan. The Accord represented the culmination of an increasingly close international partnership with technology firmly at its heart.

From tech trade to joint innovation the UK and Japanese tech sectors have a critical role to play in maximising the potential of this tech partnership and realising the benefits to both countries. The UK Japan Tech Forum, convened by JEITA and techUK has provided a single voice for the tech sector in shaping this tech alliance and ensuring real world outcomes.

A year on from the signing of the Accord, the Forum will invite both Governments to set out progress and priorities and the role of industry in achieving this. Additionally, as we look to Osaka 2025 with its focus on Japan’s global leadership in tech and innovation, we will examine how this can provide another milestone in UK-Japan Tech collaboration.

We invite you to join us on this journey from Hiroshima to Osaka and how we build momentum towards a lasting tech partnership between the UK and Japan.


Chair’s Welcome 

  • Clark Vasey – Framing discussion around the theme of From Hiroshima to Osaka: How we ensure we achieve the maximum potential of the Accord and how we use the focus on Japan with Osaka 2025. (10 Minutes)

Part 1: Hiroshima Accord – Progress & Priorities (50 Minutes)

  • Adam Jackson, Director, International Research and Innovation, Department for Science, Innovation, and Technology
  • Mr. Takayuki Sako, Deputy Director, Digital Economy Division, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

  • Industry View – JEITA & techUK Member Observations
    • Mr Wada Akihiro, Chair, Working Group on Cybersecurity Enhancement, Committee on Cyber Security, Keidanren (Japan Business Federation)

    • Ms. Miho Naganuma, Senior Executive Professional, Quality and Engineering Promotion Division, Digital Platform Business Unit, NEC Corporation

    • Huw Thomas, SVP, Corporate Development Services, Intralink 

  • Open Discussion 

Part 2: Osaka 2025 – Supporting UK Japan Tech Collaboration (25 Minutes)

  • Mr. Masafumi Sugano, Director, International Office, Expo 2025, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

  • Jack Jones, Head of Strategic Technologies (interim), Department for Business and Trade & Kaishini Jobling, Project Lead (Osaka 2025 Expo) at the Department for Business and Trade

Call to Action – Building Momentum techUK & JEITA Working Together (5 Mins)

  • Julian David, CEO, techUK 
  • Mr. Atsuo Hirai, Senior Executive Vice President, JEITA

Close – Next Steps to be emailed to members on potential working groups

Event details:

Date: Tuesday 16 July

Timing: 09:30-11:00

Ticket prices: This event is free to attend for members and prospective members. Please click on the Book Now button to secure your place!

For more information, please contact:

Sabina Ciofu

Sabina Ciofu

Associate Director – International, techUK

Sabina Ciofu is Associate Director – International, running the International Policy and Trade Programme at techUK.

Based in Brussels, she leads our EU policy and engagement. She is also our lead on international trade policy, with a focus on digital trade chapter in FTAs, regulatory cooperation as well as broader engagement with the G7, G20, WTO and OECD.

As a transatlanticist at heart, Sabina is a GMF Marshall Memorial fellow and issue-lead on the EU-US Trade and Technology Council, within DigitalEurope.

Previously, she worked as Policy Advisor to a Member of the European Parliament for almost a decade, where she specialised in tech regulation, international trade and EU-US relations.

Sabina loves building communities and bringing people together. She is the founder of the Gentlewomen’s Club and co-organiser of the Young Professionals in Digital Policy. Previously, as a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers Community, she led several youth civic engagement and gender equality projects.

She sits on the Advisory Board of the University College London European Institute, Café Transatlantique, a network of women in transatlantic technology policy and The Nine, Brussels’ first members-only club designed for women.

Sabina holds an MA in War Studies from King’s College London and a BA in Classics from the University of Cambridge.

[email protected]
+32 473 323 280

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Daniel Clarke

Daniel Clarke

Policy Manager for International Policy and Trade, techUK

Dan joined techUK as a Policy Manager for International Policy and Trade in March 2023.

Before techUK, Dan worked for data and consulting company GlobalData as an analyst of tech and geopolitics. He has also worked in public affairs, political polling, and has written freelance for the New Statesman and Investment Monitor.

Dan has a degree in MSc International Public Policy from University College London, and a BA Geography degree from the University of Sussex.

Outside of work, Dan is a big fan of football, cooking, going to see live music, and reading about international affairs. 

[email protected]

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Oliver Alderson

Oliver Alderson

Policy and Public Affairs - Team Assistant, techUK

Oliver is the team assistant for the Policy and Public Affairs teams, joining techUK in November of 2023. He assists the teams admistrative support, communication, and event production.

Prior to working at techUK, Oliver studied at Swansea and Bristol universities, attaining a masters in Policy Research. During this time he competed in debating competitions around the country where he discussed and deliberated various policy issues. Between his studies Oliver acted as a student assistant in mental health research for the SMaRteN student network.

[email protected]
07505 890 596

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