Join us on Thursday 27 January 2022, 14:00-16:00 (GMT) for our first online UK SPF Plenary session of 2022. 

During this event we will launch the latest report we have commissioned on Spectrum Sharing. This study, by Plum Consulting, is available here.

Delegates will also hear from the new Chair of the Radio Spectrum Policy Group, Eric Fournier. The RSPG is the high-level advisory group that assists the European Commission in the development of radio spectrum policy. Other presentations include Christian Regnier, who is founder at EUWENA (European Users Wireless Enterprise Network Association), and Philippe Poggianti, QUALCOMM, who will present an overview of a new report with Nokia Bell Labs, "The business imperatives of 5G mmWave". 

There will also be an update on recent Cluster activity. 


Welcome - David Meyer, Chair, UK SPF 

Presentation and Q&A - Eric Fournier, Chair of RSPG 

EUWENA - Christian Regnier, Founder

The business imperatives of 5G mmWave - Philippe Poggianti, QUALCOMM 

Summary of the recent UK SPF Steering Board - Abhaya Sumanasena, Real Wireless and UK SPF Steering Board Chair

New UK SPF Report: Spectrum Sharing - Tony Lavender, Plum Consulting and Chair of Cluster 3 (Spectrum Value and Efficiency including Sharing)

Summary of the Clusters activities:  

  • Cluster 1: Future Spectrum Demand - Sophie James on behalf of Saul Friedner, LS telcom  
  • Cluster 2: Long-Term Spectrum Strategy - Stephen Temple, University of Surrey  
  • Cluster 3: Spectrum Value and Efficiency including Sharing - Tony Lavender, Plum Consulting  
  • Cluster 4: International Spectrum Issues - Kumar Singarajah, Euroma  

Summary and close - David Meyer, UK SPF Chair

By registering you consent with your name, job title and organisation being included on the delegate list. 

Tales Gaspar

Tales Gaspar

Programme Manager, UK SPF and Satellite, techUK

Sophie Greaves

Sophie Greaves

Head of Telecoms and Spectrum Policy, techUK

Matthew Wild

Matthew Wild

Programme Assistant - Markets, techUK