Physical attendance will be limited to 3 per supplier on a first come first served basis. In-person attendance is fully booked. However, you can still register for online tickets.

Part of UK Strategic Command, Defence Intelligence (DI) is an essential element of the UK’s Intelligence ecosystem providing intelligence analysis, specialist outputs and advice to support decision makers across all levels of Defence and government. At the heart of DI’s business is data. How we use data is critical to our mission: right place, at the right time, in the right format and with the right people to enable greater intelligence insights and effects to deliver Decision Advantage.

DI Director Strategy and Enterprise (DSE) coheres Defence’s intelligence vision and direction, strengthens our world-leading professionals, and designs and delivers a leading-edge, globally integrated intelligence machine, now and for the future. DI DSE has responsibility for the successful delivery of a number of projects/programmes and is the Senior Responsible Owner for ODYSSEY.

ODYSSEY is being delivered by the Mission Information Exploitation (MIX) Service Executive within Defence Digital (DD) Service Delivery and Operations (SD&O).

ODYSSEY will deliver a step change in data analytics capability to the end user community.  It will provide the core data fabric and flexible analytic tooling required for intelligence to be consumed as a service across Defence. This Intelligence as a Service (IaaS) approach will enable all Defence users to rapidly and conveniently access intelligence appropriate to their role. This will enable faster and better-informed decision making and is an essential step towards Defence achieving data-centricity.

DSE wishes to brief Industry on DI’s current digital position, its aspiration and specifically discuss the iterative evolution of ODYSSEY, detailing the strategic level intent.

The ODYSSEY team wish to brief Industry on the programmes current progress, highlight future commercial opportunities and build a greater understanding of the marketplace and industry’s ability to support progress in the delivery of ODYSSEY, ahead of formal procurement activities which are estimated to run in May 24.

The event will be hybrid with the option to book physical or virtual tickets.

Outline Agenda:

  • 10:30 –MOD team present DI Strategic overview and reaffirmation of ODYSSEY intent.
  • 11:00 – Delivery Team present on commercial approach and delivery options.
  • 11:30 – Q&A session and open forum for discussion
  • 12:30 – 14:00   Lunch & Networking

If Industry wish to understand more about the ODYSSEY Programme, please register to the ODYSSEY AWARD Supplier Portal via the following link.

Fred Sugden

Fred Sugden

Associate Director, Defence and National Security, techUK

Raya Tsolova

Senior Programme Manager, techUK

Jeremy Wimble

Jeremy Wimble

Programme Manager, Defence, techUK

Tracy Modha

Tracy Modha

Team Assistant - Markets, techUK

Defence Programme

The Defence Programme works to help the UK’s Defence technology sector align itself with the MOD, specifically with the department’s Defence Digital organisation. The programme aims to help the sector remain at the forefront of technology exploitation. Our members play a vital role in supporting the MOD to procure digital technologies in a way that generates added value for end-users across the Defence ecosystem, from internal business functions to frontline operations.

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