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Our board

You will find top executives from some of the world's most innovative tech organisations on techUK's board. techUK is able to draw upon the diverse experience of these individuals as we work together to ensure the UK realises the positive potential of tech. Four times a year, techUK's main board meets to discuss how to address current challenges and embrace the opportunities for tech in the UK.

Main board
Sheila Flavell CBE

Sheila Flavell CBE

techUK President, Chief Operating Officer, FDM Group

Dr Nicola Hodson

Dr Nicola Hodson

techUK Deputy President, Chief Executive in the UK and Ireland, IBM

Sir William Touche

Sir William Touche

techUK Vice President of Finance

Michael Keegan

Michael Keegan

techUK Vice President of Operations, Businessman and Investor, Centerprise International

Jacqueline de Rojas CBE

Jacqueline de Rojas CBE

President Emeritus, techUK, Chair, Institute of Coding, President, Digital Leaders

Julian David

Julian David

CEO, techUK

Liz Ashall-Payne

Liz Ashall-Payne

Founding CEO, Orcha

Zahra Bahrololoumi

Zahra Bahrololoumi

CEO - United Kingdom and Ireland, Salesforce

Jaspal (Jas) Bhogal

Jaspal (Jas) Bhogal

Senior Director, Global Accounts, Intel

Heather Cook

Heather Cook

Special Advisor, Big Health

Siobhan Costello

Siobhan Costello

Chief Legal Officer, Trust Payments

Julian Cracknell

Julian Cracknell

Chief Technology & Information Officer, BAE Systems

Chris Francis

Chris Francis

Director for Government Relations, SAP UK

Dr Sarah Gates

Dr Sarah Gates

Director of Public Policy, Wayve

Duncan Greenwood

Duncan Greenwood

Vice President EMEA, Hashicorp

Stephen Hall

Stephen Hall

CEO, Crown Hosting Data Centres

Charlotte Holloway

Charlotte Holloway

Head of Government Relations - Europe, Middle East and Africa, Zoom Video Communications

Aleyne Johnson

Aleyne Johnson

Director of Government and External Relations, Samsung Electronics

Helen Kelisky

Helen Kelisky

Managing Director, United Kingdom and Ireland, Google Cloud

Rosie Larsson

Rosie Larsson

Senior Director of Government Engagement & Regulatory Policy, UK & Ireland, Visa

Georgina O'Toole

Georgina O'Toole

Chief Analyst, TechMarketView

Sue Preston

Sue Preston

Vice President & General Manager, UKIMESA, HPE Pointnext Services

David Price

David Price

Account Director, Rackspace Technology

Kulveer Ranger, Lord Ranger of Northwood

Kulveer Ranger, Lord Ranger of Northwood

techUK Board Member, Member of the House of Lords

Neil Sawyer

Neil Sawyer

Vice President and Managing Director, HP including UK and Ireland

Shaheen Sayed

Shaheen Sayed

Senior Managing Director - Technology Lead, UK & Ireland, Accenture

Paul Struthers

Paul Struthers

Managing Director UK & Ireland, SAGE

Alex Towers

Alex Towers

Director of Policy and Public Affairs, BT Group