The leadership includes a Chairperson of the wider UK SPF, the Steering Board Chair, the Steering Board Vice Chair and the Cluster Chairs.

Dr. Abhaya Sumanasena
Abhaya is a results-driven and influential leader with extensive experience developing and delivering forward-looking spectrum strategies and policies. Abhaya currently leads the Spectrum and Regulatory Practice at Real Wireless and is the Chairman of the UK Spectrum Policy Forum (UK SPF). He has over 20 years of hands-on experience successfully leading radio spectrum/regulatory work and techno-economic analysis within national regulatory authorities, MNOs and vendors.
Steering Board - Chair

Luigi Ardito
Luigi Ardito is currently working as a Senior Director of Government Affairs EMEA at Qualcomm. He is leading Qualcomm spectrum and regulatory policy agenda in Europe dealing with various government entities and industry organizations. He is also the Chairman of Digital Europe Spectrum Group and member of the GSA Spectrum management team.
Steering Board - Vice Chair

Theodoros Spathopoulos
Theo is currently a Senior Specialist in the Spectrum Standardisation team at Nokia, leading Nokia’s involvement in various regional and global spectrum regulatory discussions.
Cluster 1: Future Spectrum Demand

Manuel Rascado-Marti
The Chair of Cluster 1 is Manuel Rascado-Marti, who is Spectrum Policy Consultant at LS telcom UK.
Cluster 2: Long-term Spectrum Strategy

Robert Stewart
Cluster 2 is chaired by Bob Stewart, Professor at the University of Strathclyde in the Dept of Electronic Eng. He leads the ‘StrathSDR’ team working on software defined radio (SDR) and next generation radio access networks using shared spectrum with dynamic spectrum access (DSA).
Cluster 3: Spectrum Value and Efficiency

Tony Lavender
Cluster 3 Chair Tony Lavender is a Partner at Plum Consulting.
Cluster 4: International Spectrum Issues

Kumar Singarajah
Cluster 4 Chair Kumar Singarajah is a Member of the IET & IEEE and a Fellow of the CMI. He is currently a Director of Euroma Ltd.